My Favorite Blog Post(s)

Here are my two personal favorite posts but please check out the others too...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Second Semester Meta-Blog

First off, yes the blog count for second semester was lower than first semester. And although not quite an excuse, yes Junior Theme and other deadlines in between were attributed to this. 

Having said that, where the quantity of blogs this semester has visibly decreased, the quality has improved extremely. Take an early blog this semester, for example, on the sampling of music Sampling or Stealing?. Although an interesting topic and a good comparison of videos with musical sampling, I did not conduct nearly enough research. In fact I was told after I had already written the post that my argument in the post was invalid as there already exists rules on piracy and sampling.

Now, when you look at my most recent post What is the American Dream?, pondering the composition of the American Dream and how money shouldn't be the tell-tale sign of success. Rather, in this newest post I made a reference to topics we discussed in class and gave a connection to American Ideals that should be rethought. 

I think I did a great job in terms of writing quality blogs this semester, and other than the fact that there weren't too many of them, I am happy with my work.

1 comment:

  1. It's a post that has a lot of potential. Finding a poll or another article could make it even stronger.
